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Used Electrical Plant Purchase Is Becoming More Popular

England 20/08/2012- Used electrical plant purchase is helping the environment

Several benefits come from electrical engineering firms offering used electrical plant purchase. By far the biggest benefit is to the environment.

When companies do this, it has a positive impact on the environment. Most of the raw materials used in electrical plant systems take a lot of energy to extract. A lot of carbon dioxide is burnt taking those raw materials out of the ground, processing them, transporting them across the world. Manufacturing each component, assembling and transporting them also burns a lot of energy.

Slater’s Electricals do their part for the environment

For many years, Slaters Electricals have been involved in the recycling and re-engineering used plant equipment wherever possible for reuse. They offer their clients the opportunity to trade in their existing plant when they purchase new electrical plant from them.

Firms who buy their new plant from Slaters and trade in their existing plant do not have to worry about what to do with their old plant because that is taken care of for them. It is all removed and safely disposed of in the most environmentally friendly way.

Firms who have to arrange the disposal of their existing plant, themselves, can be faced with a big headache. Electrical plant is made up of a lot of different components and materials. This can make it necessary to contact several specialist scrap merchants to get all of the plant removed. Much of the plant is heavy and bulky, so it can be hard to find firms equipped with the right vehicles to remove it all from site. Dealing with a single point of contact for both the removal of old plant and the installation of new plant is much easier and more efficient. It helps to keep downtime to a minimum and reduces the chance of delays because someone is late dismantling and removing the existing plant.

Slaters Electricals are an electrical engineering firm that, even after 65 years in the business, are still innovating and find new ways to help their clients. This offer to remove old plant benefits the environment as well as they firms they are working for.

Scotswood Bridge Works
Tollbridge Road
London, UK
Zip: NE21 5TE
Tel: 0191 414 291
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