Where does Manuka Honey come from?

Honey is something which has been used throughout the ages for its reported properties in supporting healing. For example it was used by the Ancient Greeks and even up to the Second World War, for its antibacterial properties. Manuka honey is a type of honey attracting quite a bit of attention at the moment, so let’s find out a little more about it.

Honey is something which has been used throughout the ages for its reported properties in supporting healing. For example it was used by the Ancient Greeks and even up to the Second World War, for its antibacterial properties. Manuka honey is a type of honey attracting quite a bit of attention at the moment, so let’s find out a little more about it.
Where does it come from?

Manuka honey is made from a plant native to the shores of New Zealand. Its Latin name is Leptospermum Scoparium but has been given the name Manuka by the Maori people of New Zealand.

The bushes grow in the wild uncultivated areas of the country, predominantly around coastal areas with the East Cape area of the North Island having a particularly concentrated area. Here the beekeepers will set up their hives allowing the bees to gather the nectar from the flowers of the Manuka bush.

One of the particular advantages of New Zealand is that it is not densely populated, which means there is a lack of pollution in the air which contributes to the honey making process.
What are the benefits of Manuka Honey?

Manuka Honey is reported to have both antibacterial and antiseptic properties, internally and externally.
Why is Manuka Honey different to any other honey?

Most honeys contain a naturally occurring active agent; hydrogen peroxide. However, this is easily destroyed when exposed to heat and light. What is said to set apart is that it contains an additional component which doesn’t lose its potency when exposed to heat, light or dilution.

This is known as the Unique Manuka Factor or UMF; reportedly the higher the UMF, the more potent the honey.
Where can I find Manuka Honey?

Manuka Honey can be purchased at health food outlets throughout the UK as well as through reputable online stores.

Manuka honey from Holland & Barrett. Buy Manuka honey online from Holland & Barrett safely & securely.

Rebecca Wheeler

Rebecca Wheeler

I'm Rebecca Wheeler, a versatile writer with a passion for business, technology, travel, health, lifestyle, education, sports, fashion, and global affairs. I bring insightful perspectives to my work, blending my expertise across various fields to provide engaging and informative content.

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